Choose a campaign that you wish to support


Pack clothing into any type of bags you already have at home and select the date for them to be collected (we'll recycle or reuse all plastic)


With one click you can be sure, that you will benefit selected charity and also help in reducing the 1 billion plastic charity bags that pollute the environment


Choose a campaign that you wish to support


Pack clothing into any type of bags you already have at home and select the date for them to be collected (we'll recycle or reuse all plastic)


With one click you can be sure, that you will benefit selected charity and also help in reducing the 1 billion plastic charity bags that pollute the environment

Stone of Hope children foundation

Campaign conducted by Stone of Hope children foundation Charity for the implementation of its statutory goals

01 October 2019 London
Human Services

You can do even more,
You are great!

Donators 2 Donations
Created by:
Rita Enuechie


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Stone of Hope children foundation

We look after orphans an the the poorest of the poor in a local government setting in Nigeria. We run orphanage and schools for these children. Our main objective is to make sure no child is left uncare for because of circumstances they find themselves in. We strive to provide conducive environment for them to flourish and grow to responsible adult useful to themselves, their community and the world at large


How to help?


Choose a campaign that you wish to support


Pack clothing into any type of bags you already have at home and select the date for them to be collected (we'll recycle or reuse all plastic)


With one click you can be sure, that you will benefit selected charity and also help in reducing the 1 billion plastic charity bags that pollute the environment

You can do even more, You are great!

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